Friday, March 30, 2012
@MalVMoo @Demarismovie @BizOfficial - "Tag, You're It"
The other day one of my oldest bros shot through lab and we got to chop'n like we always do. It's the type of convo where we are always supplying each other with jewels. So we get to talking about the blog and the direction that I want to take. He told me I should put my writing skill to work and just be honest about content that I post. With that being said I am a lil torn with this vid. Here is my gripe it's Mal V Moo'S track and I can not see her face at all! Do I need 3-d glasses? The kicker is she is pretty damn cute! So on to what I did like about it. Mal, Demari and Biz had some pretty good flow on this one. And I gotta say Biz started off kinda slow then he caught a wave and murked shit! Last thing I wanna say is Mal I wanna see your cute ass face in the next video, till then I will work on finding some 3d specs. STAY PHILTHY!