<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/NC7m3d9qNHI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The message in this new Philly P track really hit home. This content reminds me of a time in Hip Hop when it was cool to talk about real life. So much of the music being put out these days is just plain old swag rap. Triumph is the total opposite of that. I must say it feels good to know that cats have not forgot about where we came from as a people. Major #salute on this one fam! Way to keep shit authentic. THE STRUGGLE DOES LIVE ON.......STAY PHILTHY!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
@demarismovie - Purple Song
subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/UnionWorldwide
follow Demari Faust on twitter: https://twitter.com/Demarismovie
Directed by Demari Faust Co-Directed by Mook da Star for Money Plane Vizion Song Produced by Nick Rhodes
Sometime I have to remind myself that there is always work to be done. I could go on a mad spree and post them all but I have a fear of not having enough to post. Despite that cleary not being the case. Moving along peep this new vid from Demari. As I have stated before follow up is crucial. Shout out to Mook da Star. The cam work looks clean and the editing is on point. STAY PHILTHY!
@RikkReighn - Slappin
Shot by @mannymacpnc
Produced by @tyrealvlp
@RikkReighn @WhoIsDJHYLYTE @JuiceyAdoir @Inotche (LEGION MUSIC GROUP)
What's up everyone. Welcome back for another installment. This go around we got the newest from Rikk Reighn. Slappin is a track is from Rikk's latest project "BYTCH IM LOKAL". Some time ago this cat released a vid for GOOD & THE BAD which he premiered on wshh. Alot of people from the town need to shoot they self in the face. There was waaaay too much hate coming from the home team. I can't say the track was my fav. The vid was crispy as fuck and Rikk and his squad spent real cake on a world star slot. This is something only a few can do on the local scene. Hell cats don't even get a wshh slot period let alone a $3k -4k placement. My whole point is even I see you fuck niggas hating out here and it's despicable! Any who this is one of the best joints on the CD and Manny hooked up the vid. This vid is just one more piece of evidence that solidifies we out here working #salute STAY PHILTHY!

Friday, April 6, 2012
@ohiohiphopaward 2012 OHHA Showcase commercial
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/SGHwSdijJv8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
OHHA is so important when it comes to Ohio hip hop as a whole. Mainly because the lane they occupy serves as a bridge between all of the states many rap scenes. Their very presence forces aspiring talent to think about the bigger picture when putting out content and doing shows. STAY PHILTHY!
OHHA is so important when it comes to Ohio hip hop as a whole. Mainly because the lane they occupy serves as a bridge between all of the states many rap scenes. Their very presence forces aspiring talent to think about the bigger picture when putting out content and doing shows. STAY PHILTHY!
Thursday, April 5, 2012
@niqmusic - 23
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ee7G__8gkh8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Not too long ago I posted Niq's most recent project "BANG MY SHIT". 23 is one of my favorite songs on the cd. The video quality is major. Got to say i'm loving how local artist are stepping up their video game. #bang STAY PHILTHY!
Not too long ago I posted Niq's most recent project "BANG MY SHIT". 23 is one of my favorite songs on the cd. The video quality is major. Got to say i'm loving how local artist are stepping up their video game. #bang STAY PHILTHY!
Sunday, April 1, 2012
PSA.............Presentation IS everything @cridiemac @hensleyurban please post and rt
Being a local/unsigned artist is really tough. Not only do you have to go through the ups and downs of putting the project together. One must deal with struggle of hand to hand distribution tactics. Bottom line "It's a cold world". Which brings me to the topic at hand. The above cd is fictional but it serves as a great visual aid. Recently I attended the annual Hip Hop Expo held every year in the convention center. After taking a quick smoke on the balcony I made my way back to the ballroom. Before I could reach for the door I was stopped by a cat who wanted me to check out his music. He proceeded to tell me he was selling his product for three dollars, then he showed me his cd. I was disgusted at the sight of his product. As I said the above pic is just an example but it's pretty spot on to what he showed me. I can think of numerous excuses I have given people with sub par product over the years, but on this particular day I couldn't bring myself to say anything but what was on my mind. Long story short I told him that he might want to invest more money into his product if he wants more consumers to take him seriously. I even took the time to mention @cridiemac and @hensleyurban two people that I know could get him together with great cd duplication services. Although he kept eye contact with me I doubt my words changed his life or made his day. For me the encounter was a breath of fresh air. I felt I was doing the city and the game a service by telling this man to get his shit in order. If you are an artist and you reading this don't be so quick to give me the blah treatment. Aside from visual aids I brought some great insight along for the ride. If MC Shitnutz is selling his music on a cvs stock blanks accopanied by marker print, what are the chances it sounds good. What are the chances he went to a good studio to record and mix? Is it even mastered!? The minute I set eyes on such a product these are the exact thoughts I began to process. Unsigned/indie artist must understand that to a custie the way your package looks speaks volumes about the way your project sounds in the deck. Artist dont be so eager to put out music that you shoot yourself in the foot. Be professional! STAY PHILTHY!
Friday, March 30, 2012
@meechienelson @KaitlynIson - Drink the pain away
Anyone who reads my blog might want to slap me for this post. As I said before I want to do some real writing about the music around me so hear me out. I can't with a straight face tell you that I rock with Meechie's music. But I do have great respect for what this cat has done. He is making "big check" music. If someone were to ask me which local MC most embodies the "college town" aspect of Columbus, Ohio I would tell them Meechie Nelson. Mind you I can't rap one of his songs and really dont care to (no diss, Its just not me). On that note if I were the man with the check book. I would cut Meechie and his team a sizable one. It comes down to this about my blog. No grind will go unnoticed even if it's not my cup of tea. I have the strange ability to seperate myself from my love of the craft and intuit what the masses will gravitate toward. This type of unflinching insight is what I plan to be knewn for. More of a writer and a would be A&R than a mere blogger. #fuckwitme STAY PHILTHY!
and to meech....I'm not a fan but i'm a fan. Ya dig! keeping doing you fam.
@SCOPES614 - "Me and U" ft. Nphamus
Here is another Empire spitter who is ringing alot of bells lately. When I watched this joint for the first time I wasn't mad at all. Of course I feel like there are somethings on the visual side that could have been executed better. The telly scene was creative and Scopes leading lady wasn't bad on the eyes at all. I can say where the video lacked polished elements the track itself saved the day. All in all I am saying Scopes is someone to check for. STAY PHILTHY!
@MzDiggyDulche - performing LIVE at Joe Budden Show
Much love goes out to Mz Diggy and her Empire family who I recently got to see rock at The Hip-Hop Expo. I am all about giving props to those who grind hard and the Empire is doing their thing right now (no bullshit). This video caught my eye because it's almost like an epk. The editing is great and was able to keep me entertained the whole way through. As far as female "mic controllers" from Columbus go, I can tell you Diggy is making a run for that top slot. Being all I do is observe the game 24-7 I can tell you now that I don't see much stoping her! By the way I was at the show that night and I remember thinking "daaaaaaaaaamn baby" lol. STAY PHILTHY!
@MalVMoo @Demarismovie @BizOfficial - "Tag, You're It"
The other day one of my oldest bros shot through lab and we got to chop'n like we always do. It's the type of convo where we are always supplying each other with jewels. So we get to talking about the blog and the direction that I want to take. He told me I should put my writing skill to work and just be honest about content that I post. With that being said I am a lil torn with this vid. Here is my gripe it's Mal V Moo'S track and I can not see her face at all! Do I need 3-d glasses? The kicker is she is pretty damn cute! So on to what I did like about it. Mal, Demari and Biz had some pretty good flow on this one. And I gotta say Biz started off kinda slow then he caught a wave and murked shit! Last thing I wanna say is Mal I wanna see your cute ass face in the next video, till then I will work on finding some 3d specs. STAY PHILTHY!
@demarismovie - I Feel Like (Official Music Video)
Since folks might not read my previous post', I feel I have to remind you all that I am back from a hefty break. Good thing is when I was on vaykay I watched a large amount of videos that are due for a nod. This happens to be one of those vids. Shout out to Demari Faust and his "call it like I see it" brand of spit'n. In my humble opinion more honesty is needed on the local scene. Shout out to Demari "why lie?" Faust and the people he is moving with. They are surely on a mission to make the scene look good. STAY PHILTHY!
Thursday, March 29, 2012
@Philly_P - I'm So (Produced By @ThaAudioUnit) #BMG
Nothing pleases me more than to find some new music from someone I have previously posted. It speaks volumes on how consitent they are as an artist, which is damn important on the underground market. Aside from that I get to feel like a proud fan *shrugs*. All I do is listen to local music and I know dope shit when I hear it. #salute STAY PHILTHY!
@niqmusic @djbenzi @dopecouture - Bang My Shit
Can't front I had doubts on starting to blog again. But at the end of the day my area is full of dudes like @niqmusic. People who make good music and grind to the fullest. I see you on ya 23 bro. STAY PHILTHY!
Ok so the word on the street is these two vids have some scary similarities. First of all nothing is new under the sun so to say one bit the other, you could also make the arguement they both bit Eminem. With that being said you still have to wonder if one seen the other vid and said to himself "hmmmm let me see how I can do this better". I have only one concern with this situation. Coming from Columbus Ohio I have seen my fair share of folks trying to flip and bounce another mans style. All I can really say is let's keep this shit original fellas. Both of these guys are dope artist from the city, but if it gets out someone is a biter that could put cool points on freeze. STAY PHILTHY! (want to know who's vid came out fist? go to youtube sherlock.)
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
@A9_AREA937 - Gotta Keep It Movin' (Official Video) Radio Edit
Earlier I was over my fam way doing the usual and they put this on the big screen. I gotta send a major shout out to the artist and video crew on this one. Dope work fells. I can't say enough of how I am a huge supporter of any one who makes Ohio/Midwest look good. STAY PHILTHY!
A-9 (Area 937)
Gotta Keep It Movin'
Dir: Shawn "Diggy"
AD: Seanie G
DoP: Anthony Gardner
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
@DJSuspence - welcome to our city 2
shout out to @djsuspence for putting this one together! Good to see a dj from Colulmbus breaking records.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Columbus takes a stand!

I'm glad to see people from my city get together in a positive way to shed light on the Trayvon Martin tragedy. Shout out to those who were able to help organize and attend this event. Collectively our voices can make a difference in this matter. My fam and I are praying for true justice on this one.
shout out to @_thefirstladii_ for steppin up on this one!
Many of the people around me were outraged at the content of my previous post.
I took it upon myself to call folks out. I'm sad to say I can't fully retract my post, but I am Glad to see this young woman step to the plate quick fast and seperate herself from those who are responsible. The streets at large are watching!
@themove2nite @_thefirstladii_ @officialzent and many other coons and toms across america!
@themove2nite yall on some sambo shit with this. Allow me to be the first to tell you and anyone involved with your event to eat much Dick! You niggas dont care about the cause at all. Anyone who read this take the time to get at these fuck niggas with a word or two. Let them know the people dont feel that coon shit. shout out to dj beazy and nemo .............hoe ass niggas. and please do note that flyer mentions nothing of proceeds going to trayvon's family. you people area shameless!
@rashadmusic - the return
It's catch up season over here fam. So much dope music coming out of my neck of the woods. If you aint up on Rashad now would be a good time to brush up. Don't forget to "Elevate the motherfucking game".
@ella_eh & selah_benjamin perform at the video shoot.
I told myself when I came back to the blog work, I was going to bring some heat. I have watched this joint a hunid million times. It's that dope to me. Shout out to Daniele,Selah Benjamin and @luxury_league for this joint. Im lookin forward to hearing more music from these people.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
@NiQmusic - REP MY STATE
Niq is an artist who is always droping dope product. I can think of a couple different tracks he has made that go hard. Follow his grind on twitter @niqmusic #bang lol
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